Current soundtrack: ...silence. My mind is too full to confuse with emotion-birthing tunes.
The FOUND entry from today made me smile, look here.
My head might explode, though I find life is worth that risk. Mostly.
I found out that a dear friend of mine is moving back to the LA area very soon. And that makes me very happy.
And another dear friend is leaving the LA area Sunday. For 2 years.
And that makes me very sad.
So, I suppose if very happy is canceled out by very sad, then I am merely neutral, a sitting duck trying to decide what the hell to do with myself until I recover from neutralism. Is that a word? It is now.
Attempted neutralism remedies and subsequent failures:
1. A very expensive cupcake from a boutique bakery.
Subsequent failure: stomach ache.
2. A bottle of Fat Tire:
Subsequent failure: a worse stomach ache.
3. Watching Moulin Rouge.
Subsequent failure: heartache.
4. Snickerdoodles.
Subsequent failure: see numbers 1 and 2.
5. Sleep.
Subsequent failure: insomnia.
6. A good long cry.
Subsequent failure: pounding headache.
Perhaps tomorrow will be more successful.
Per a google image search of "please make me smile," the following shenanigans ensued:
Apparently you can train a person to smile.
I just got really sleepy.
And considering I'm making very little sense and providing an extremely limited entertainment value, I should quit while I'm still somewhat ahead.
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