Monday, March 9, 2009

Danny Boyle, I salute you.

Current soundtrack: Albert Hammond, Jr. - Como Te Llama?

For starters, Albert Hammond Jr. rocks my face off.

Secondly, Slumdog Millionaire might have made my top ten movies of all time in, it DID make the list. I know, I know, I'm so behind the times considering I just saw the movie today. I have literally tried to go and see it about 3 different times and each time something came up. I was all set to walk out the door to see it on Friday night and I accidentally feel asleep instead, oops! But better late than never, as they say.

The movie was incredible. A fabulous love story about destiny and perseverance that had the perfect mixture of reality, fantasy, and even a little sprinkle of Bollywood. I loved absolutely every minute of it. The cinematography was genius, the acting was superb and believable. The harsh realities of the Mumbai slums really resonated through me and affected me deeply. I loved the incredible attention to the main character Latika always wore or was seen with a hint of yellow (made really clear at the end as she donned her yellow scarf); I love searching for little clues in movies, especially artistic ones. The film really embodies so much more than a stunning love story, it commentaries on many other noteworthy subjects including greed, cultural stereotypes, family connection, religion, and the Westernization of much of the Eastern world. I like a film that can offer me more than a hint of flowery goodness in the form of a touching plot...I need some meat with my sugar, please. Anyway, bravo to the Academy for recognizing the depth of this film and awarding it best picture. A well deserved win.

This weekend has been awesome. It's really the first completely open weekend I have had at my new house since I moved in. Not only did I get a lot done but I had a lot of fun as well. Last night I ventured out to Santa Ana with my roommate Ashley and her friend Kelly. We hit up the monthly gallery open house at the Artist's Village. It's where they open up all the galleries in the area and have live music, food, wine, and tons of patchouli wearing hippies, seriously, right up my alley. That place is awesome and we are thinking of making it a monthly ritual to head up there. I also inquired about getting in touch with a gallery to see if I could ever show...that's a big step for me considering I am not typically the type of artist that has enough confidence in my work. However, there were a couple of local photographer's showing their work, some good, some not so good...but the point is that they were getting their stuff out there and they weren't all polished and perfect but they were showing. I need to push myself as an artist for fear I might lose my artist's heart and passion if I don't. So, here's to adding to the list of 2009 New Year's resolutions.

I suppose I haven't officially made a list yet...but I do have several things in my mind. Maybe if I get them out into the cyber-universe where people will actually read them, the accountability will present itself and I will follow through. I am proud to report that one of my resolutions has already been accomplished, running a half marathon. And I did it. All 13.1 painful miles. It was awesome.

The rest of my list is as follows.

In 2009 I will:

1. Bike ride often
2. Spend less money on non-necessities
3. Join forces with an NPO I stand behind and start volunteering (this is already in the works with the org Free the Slaves, very exiting!)
4. Buy local produce at farmer's markets
5. Restore a piece of old furniture and give it new life
6. Recycle
7. Save money
8. Read a lot (got the library card in hand!)
9. Keep in better touch with my friends
10. Take thousands of pictures
11. Listen to more records
12. Start a blog (check!)
13. Discover a slew of new music

I should probably cut myself a break and stop there...although there are many more things I would like to accomplish. Speaking of accomplishing things, there are tasks to be conquered tonight before my weekend leaves me...but, for once in my life, they are things I actually want to spend my time doing...things like finishing decorating the house, revamping my iPod with all my new music finds, and finishing a book. Life is good post-college. Cheers to freedom.

Oh, one last thought, if you are not a Pandora user, you MUST become one. It's an online music website that allows you to input artists you already love and creates music stations based on your style preferences...essentially it's high quality CUSTOM online radio stations sans commercials. It's fabulous. Check it out here.

Post script: As much as I like my roommates, I love when I am home alone and can play my music VERY loud.

Life is so much sweeter with a soundtrack.

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